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How does MAS+ Work?

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How does MAS+ Work?

The flow scenario of the MAS+ can be briefly summarized in 6 steps. In the first phase, MAS+ facilitates integration with other systems within the organization, primarily the ERP System (Warehouse Automation System, Document Management System, Planning Solution, etc.). Data (Work orders, stock names, stock codes, cycle time information, etc. is transferred via the MAS+ system. In the second stage, operators are provided with access to this data through devices positioned in the field. Operators start production by introducing themselves through the system. Simultaneously, communication is provided with the machines via the created communication infrastructure, and data is collected from the machines instantly. This data includes pieces, scrap, temperature, pressure, humidity, weight, energy, etc. to This collected data is monitored live, so that problems that occur or may occur during the production process can be proactively intervened. Additionally, a traceability infrastructure is created in production. It provides quick access to all kinds of information. regarding your production with its flexible reporting infrastructure. During the production process and at the end, operators label, call, boom, wastage, etc. completes the order by completing the transactions. In the last step, the data is converted into information and shared online; Relevant data is transferred to ERP and other integrated systems.

Production plan (data such as work orders, material information cycle time, etc.)is transferred to the MAS+ system or defined on the system

The operator identifies themselves, confirms the checklist, views documents, and initiates the work.

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Simultaneously, machine data on the production line begins to be collected in the system.

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Real-time values are monitored, and in case of an anomaly, an automatic alarm is generated.

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The operator carries out quality, call (maintenance, warehouse, quality, etc.), and label (traceability) operations. Completes the work order.

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Data is recorded, reported retrospectively, and transmitted to ERP and other integrated systems.

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